Greetings to all,
I hope everybody is prepared for this evening's festivities. For me, I will be relaxing with my family in a quiet home. I know, pretty lame right? Well, not when you have two wild youngsters to spend it with.
2013 has been a crazy year. Obamacare, Benghazi, Government Shutdown, Sequestration, just to name a few. In my opinion, the current state of affairs in our nation is largely due to our lack of citizenship. When I say citizenship, I don't mean a status one holds due to being born in the USA or naturalized here. I mean citizenship as a way of life.
America is currently a nation full of Kardashian Keeper Uppers and Football Fantasizers. Most Americans couldn't tell you what positions make up the President's "cabinet," much less who those cabinet members are. But many can tell you how many touchdowns and interceptions Tony Romo threw this season, or what Kim Kardashian's kid got for Christmas. If this is you, please don't be offended, just change it. Otherwise, don't complain when the government shuts down, or when you can't sign up for Obamacare. Do everyone a favor, instead of voting for the next winner of The Voice, actually cast a thoughtful vote in a political election.
Additionally, most people who are politically aware and active pay strict allegiance to one of two parties, regardless of the policies those parties push. Now, I could go on with some historical anecdote about how some of the Founders warned against political parties and factions, but that would be cliche and ineffective in a society with such a poor academic stature. But you don't need an understanding of politics or history to realize that voting down the line based on party affiliation is ridiculous. You just need to find issues affecting your community that you are passionate about, and then research the candidate's record regarding those issues. That's it. Voting for a Republican or Democrat just because of party affiliation is like placing a bet for the Houston Texans just because they're your favorite team. You're gonna lose (at least this season) in the end. Actually, we are all gonna lose if we continue to have a two party system married to an uninformed electorate.
Lastly, supporting the troops doesn't mean throwing a yellow ribbon magnet or sticker on your car. Write your Senators and representatives and tell them to stop sending the military to die for causes that have nothing to do with protecting America's freedom. And if they vote for an unjust war, then don't reelect them. There is nothing more egregious then sending men and women to possibly die for a cause that has no positive affect on the well-being of our nation. We need some Vietnam era anti-war fervor in this country. It's not unpatriotic or anti-military to be against war, at least war that is unjust and irresponsible.
So I'm done ranting for this year. However, this is a plea for you to make a New Year's Resolution that matters. Get out and take our country back from crooked politicians and undue corporate influence.
Happy New Year! Take care and stay vigilant. Our nation depends on it.
Semper Fi,
Chris Bentley
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